Miracles naturally belong to us. We are each entitled to receive miracles because we are each a channel for God to work miracles through us. First, our channel must bet clear and free of the blocks to love that were placed there by us. We need to reveal and release the hidden beliefs we hold about being separate from the good that we say we want. In truth, all that we want is already ours when we simply declare that it is so now.
I hear this question a lot!
I asked the same question for so many years when I read the book, A Course in Miracles. Unfortunately, its concepts and practices were way over my head, despite my natural gift for understanding life at the level of spiritual energy. For decades, I was lost and confused about using and applying the principles. I just didn’t get it, and I had no idea how to work with it.
This is a private Facebook study group intended to be a safe space for people looking to understand and apply principles of A Course in Miracles. My intention is for this group to provide daily gentle encouragement for the journey inward, from our ego mind to the spiritual that emanates from our heart. Our intention is to connect with an awareness of our true value and worthiness, and remove the blocks to love that we have place between ourselves and our natural, innate joy.
We will tap into our hidden inner resources to experience a more peaceful and inner presence. To H.A.V.E. more peace and joy is a by-product of spiritual growth. Holding a perspective of spiritual growth is focusing on the inside looking out. It is also a decision that we make repeatedly. By creating a steady habit of living each moment from the spiritual level to the material level, our choice will bring us opportunities to transform all of our challenges into the gifts that are designed to ultimately support and nurture us.
Let us take this journey together for the next 365 days! I invite you to commit and participate as best each of us can in receiving guidance on the road to spiritual growth. Read the lesson and work with it as you feel guided. There is no wrong or right way to study. You may want to set a regular time to work with each lesson to study, journal, meditate, pray, and tune in to spirit’s voice.
Sharing your experiences and insights is encouraged. Please, however, refrain from offering any advice to anyone.
Feel free to post any miracles or blessings you experience, along with any challenges, urges, or yearnings that may haunt you.
If you have been struggling to “get” the message that A Course in Miracles is sharing within the Text as well as the 365 Daily Workbook Lessons, give it up now! Or, if you have been straining to see some results from your efforts, call for private sessions at 347-NRG8GRN, (347-674-8476), Mon – Thurs, 8 AM-8 PM, EST. Or, email here. All calls and sessions are strictly confidential.
Imagine my excitement the day my mother asked me to explain how to do A Course in Miracles. My mom got a copy of the book, then called me to say, Okay, now what?
That was a year ago. This year, she is going through the lessons for a second round.
If you know anyone who may be interested in participating in our A Course in Miracles Facebook Study Group, please add them to this group, or, let them know about the group.
Join us in sharing this journey of awakening together! Let’s make 2021 our best year ever!
I invite you to leave a comment or question about A Course in Miracles. Or, if you have already been through the Course at least once, like Mom, share your experience of practicing the course and any significant outcomes you have observed.
We each have a friend in the “Holy Spirit” within us who guides us home. Still, the journey home can be overwhelming! We welcome the helpful hands of our brothers who have walked this road before! The more companions we have on our journey means more support and encouragement. Even if we’ve “done” A Course in Miracles, but not much has changed, sign up now for the annual study of the 365 Workbook Lessons. We bin on January 1, 2021.
Join us each Sunday at 8:00 PM EST for a weekly ACIM study group as we gather to study the daily lessons, then apply them to aspects of our life.
Let us allow our holiness to bless the world!
With Love,
Gloria R Nash has been a student of A Course in Miracles since 1984 and a spiritual growth coach since 2000. She mentors students of ACIM by telephone. 347-NRG8GRN, (347-674-8476), Mon – Thurs, 8 AM-8 PM, EST.